
  • Reduced transparency along supply chains
  • Difficult prediction and planning
  • Input and raw materials costing pressure
  • Need to improve social and environmental aspects in the context of supply networks due to increasing requirements from stakeholders



Blockchain, IoT, AI and aerospatial technologies to provide a step-change improvement on the supply chain

Phishing Detect

Innovative technology to visualize and track commodities and products, along with their social and environmental characteristics

Smart Scan

Identification of each item through a bar code or QR code

Smart Scan

Integration of satellite data with data collected from the supply chain, as part of a complete solution for the supply chain management

Solution details

Blockchain network formed by Producers, Buying Agents, End Consumers for a safe information sharing regarding all the supply chain including provenance of inputs

Data collected via IoT sensors to detect current environmental conditions for process improvement

Use of AI to detect labor conditions, in order to mitigate the risk of child labor and/or slavery on the supply chain

Consumer via mobile app may scan the QR Code attached to the product and access information from provenance, going through logistics, manufacturing, and final product

Learn More
Solution scheme

Demo MVP




Provision of services to companies for supply chain management




Service to provide access to the Platform based on the data traffic and storage. Application hosted in OCI - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Acceleration and support

london south bank university
london south bank
european union


Paulo Carneiro
Tech and mining entrepreneur
Project management, finance,
Blockchain and AI for business
Silvio Queiroz
Software Architect
Distributed Systems Blockchain
and AI
Rubens Rodrigues
Full Stack Developer
Erick Peneluca
Frontend Developer

Contact us